Firstly, I'm still struggling to believe this actually happened!I've officially met one of my hugest inspirations ever!!!

I know a lot of people were very pleased when Shingai Shoniwa, lead singer of the Noisettes was announced as the new face of Mizani hair products. I definitely felt they made the right choice. Not only is Shingai a successful artist, but she is also a massive natural hair icon for many women, especially me!
Last week I was invited to join Shingai for an intimate breakfast at the Mayfair Hotel, courtesy of Mizani, to discuss all things hair.
The Amarillo Suite was absolutely gorgeous, and although there was food, I was way too nervous to eat.
Promotional pictures of Shingai were hung around the suite and a "behind the scenes" video was played opposite a sofa, allowing us to see how Celebrity Stylist Charlotte Mensah, used the Mizani products to create the styles for the campaign billboards.
Shingai came out to join us, looking absolutely gorgeous. Her white lace gloves, pearl earrings, and tousled waves, loosely pinned away from her face, gave her a delicate air of 50 glamour and elegance.
Despite most of the room being hooked on how gorgeous she looked, Shingai had barely taken a seat before looking around, and graciously complimenting those of us there; she really was just as lovely in person, as I could've hoped.
Shingai spoke to us about how she'd come to be the new Ambassador for Mizani, having already been a frequent user of the products.
As I haven't yet tried any of the Mizani products I was interested to hear Shingai mention the True Texures Leave-In, as one of her favourites.
After the interview we all had a chance to take pictures and have a quick one-to-one chat, where Shingai told me that she knows of some of the natural hair blogs around, and is looking forward to being sent a list of some to check out. Let's hope UNITED KinKdom is on that list!
Other familiar faces on the day...
Celebrity Stylist Charlotte Mensah
I finally met beautiful Bloggers Yinka and Natalie,
aka @VexInTheCity & @beautypulse_ldn
aka @VexInTheCity & @beautypulse_ldn
Krissy from Black Hair & Yemesi from OK Nigeria
Natalie, myself & Louisa (aka @Afroblush)
Ooo! And of course a few bits from my Mizani goody bag.
So looking forward to trying these. Have you tried any Mizani products yet?