At the moment - the State of Western Australia is only willing to pay for up to 2 "expert witnesses" to attend court via video link. There are up to 19 people willing to give expert testimony and expert "lay" testimony on Mr Brendon O'Connell's behalf. Several are "locked in" and many others have given positive feedback.
Those people will not be mentioned here at this time. They are major players in their particular field and have direct experiences of the subject in question. Some are the who's who of their particular area.
One top rated mainstream academic from outside of Australia - expert in his field - will give "expert testimony" on Mr Brendon O'Connell's behalf via video link but is available to fly if resources were available.
Again, this is NOT a request for $10 and $50 donations. It is a request for a major player or major players, to fund the requisite air fares to the upcoming trial due first half of 2011 for those approved for testimony who are available to travel.
Time is short. A window is open. There is nothing to lose except a few digits of a bank balance that cannot be taken with you when you die in exchange for this unique oppurtunity.
Please contact Mark Glenn of "The Ugly Truth" web site and pod cast to express your interest in this matter.