I'd just like to say a MAJOR THANK YOU to everyone who came down and took part in the Afro Comb Afternoon on Saturday.
Although the day was arranged by Sally-Ann Ashton and The Petrie Museum, Sally-Ann gave me the opportunity to hold a focus group for natural hair Bloggers/ Vloggers as part of the day's events. The focus group was supposed to be a filmed, half-hour interview, but as it turned out we ended up having to split into 2 interview groups, and each session lasted for at least an hour. I guess that's what happens when great females get together to talk hair! I was so nervous before the day started but all the ladies were very supportive and I'm truely so grateful to you all for being there, so THANK YOU!!
Besides our group interview there were also 2 other rooms where one-on-one interviews were taking place with and I heard that quite a few ladies also took part in those too, so congratulations ladies we're now officially works of Art! There was also a guided tour and I cant thank Nwadi (@Nwadiqn) enough, for sharing her footage of the event in a video on her Youtube channel - Combing England For Afro Curls.
I'd also like to thank you to Stacey TheNaprika and Keki of My Natural Notebook for their footage of the day too which you can check out below...
Above: Image courtesy of My Natural Note Book. Check out My Natural Note Book Blog & Review>>Here<<. Below: A video review by TheNaprika Stacey on Youtube
Click on Origins of the Afro Comb Project on the Right hand-side of this page.
If you were unable to attend the Afro Comb Afternoon or take part in the interviews, there'll be other opportunities to get involved and I'll keep you filled in on those here on the blog.
If you look on the right-handside of the Blog (Just below the "Follow My Blog" sign, and above my picture) there's a list of blog posts. Click on Origins of The Afro Comb Project to find out more and stay up to date.
Thanks again to everyone who took part and I really hope you all enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to be in the company of so many inspirational females, and its an even better feeling to know that together we've taken the first steps towards making history!!
Please contact Dr Sally-Ann Ashton (sa337@cam.ac.uk) or myself (crystalafro@hotmail.co.uk) for any more info on the project.