If you've been checking the Natural Hair Events Page you'll already know that this month there's a Natural Hair Meet-Up that's actually taking place outside of London!The Midlands Meet-Up is being held in Birmingham on May 26th and this year Im not missing out.
There were so many great pictures and comments about the Midlands Meet Up last year, and this time it looks as though there's going to be a lot more vendors, and I've been speaking to a lot of Londoners who'll be making the train journey to get there. I haven't quite decided whether Im taking train or coach, but as long as something gets me there I don't mind.
So this competition is open to any UK naturals, whether in or outside of London.If you'd like a FREE Ticket to the Midlands Meet Up just leave a comment below stating "Uniting The KinKdom!"
The competition closes at 22.00pm on Monday 21st May 2012 and please read the Terms & Conditions*.For more information about the Midlands Meet Up visit the Facebook page >>Here<<.Good Luck Everyone!xoxo
*Terms and Conditions:
You must enter before the competition closing date (22.00pm Monday 21st May 2012)
You must be available to attend the event
You must leave the comment "Uniting The KinKdom!" below